Traveling Can Help You Quit Smoking

Quit Smoking

Maybe you never imagined that you would quit smoking. As mentioned by, it is possible to live a good life without cigarettes.

It feels unreal and incomplete without cigarettes. Therefore, some people have made cigarettes their constant companion during their trips. One cannot enjoy the view of the trees and outlines of the mountains from the hotel room’s balcony without seeing their own sheet of smoke.

The Money Factor

You can decide to measure the value of something by airfare. Before buying an item, try to compute how far that money would take you if you bought an air ticket instead.

Always ask yourself, is that new gadget worth a trip to the Maldives? Could you buy the same jacket in Tokyo instead? Holding those dab rigs in a hotel room in a foreign country would be more fun than buying a new phone.

The Journey to Quitting Smoking

The journey to quitting smoking can be accelerated by certain external factors. Some governments introduce higher sin taxes to make some items like cigarettes more expensive. This may hurt your spending budget.

Despite the high cost, you would not even finish a packet a day because there will always be a smoker who would request a stick when you start smoking. If you are generous enough, you will give away several sticks to them.

The Turnaround

When you realize that smoking is an expensive habit, you will think about quitting. You may not realize it because you spend only a small amount per day. However, daily spending adds up.

You can save a lot of money if you quit smoking. That money is enough for an air ticket to Europe. If you really love traveling, you will feel that you are hurting your passion for traveling by engaging in an expensive habit.

Take a Trip to a Beach

If you go to a beach and start smoking, you will realize that there is no ashtray around to put cigarette butts. Therefore, you have to put the cigarette out and put it back in your pocket. This will become a habit whenever you go to the beach.

With time, you will find several dirty cigarette butts in your pockets, which is inconvenient. You cannot just throw the butts in the sand because it is unhygienic and a disgusting habit. Plus, the beach scenery will help you relax to lessen your urges to smoke.

Final Words

Smoking is bad for your health. You will realize this when you find yourself in a situation that you cannot do something unless you smoke first.

When you realize that you need to travel more and more, you will not let this unhealthy habit stop you. Therefore, you have to quit smoking for good if you want to be in good health to travel the world. There should be no second thought on this.

Although it is not easy, you will not want to kill your passion for traveling. Despite having friends who are smokers, you can manage to quit smoking with self-control and determination.

Teeth Care Tips for Traveling


Vacations are a necessity for recharging your energy and experience refreshment and enjoyment. According to Clinaide, it is temporary, and at the end of the day, there is no place that is as comfortable as your home.

Home is where all the things you are used to are – including your dental routine. Here are tips to help you keep your teeth in premium condition even while you are away from home:

Tip One: Do a Quick Dental Checkup

Schedule a dental checkup before you travel. The checkup should include a thorough teeth exam and cleansing. It will put your mind at ease knowing that your teeth do not have any issues, and it will help you preemptively treat any problems that may arise.

A checkup allows your dentist to have up-to-date information and x-rays of your teeth if needed.

Tip Two: Keep Your Dentist’s Contact Close-by

You never know when you’ll have a dental emergency. Keep the contact information of your dentist close by. A card inside your wallet is a great reminder.

Many dental emergencies are easily resolved during a call. It will save you a load of anxiety to know what dental issue is an emergency and what may be delayed until you have gotten back home.

Tip Three: Choose the Right Toothbrush

Do your best never to forget your toothbrush. Double-check that you have packed it before the start of the trip. However, no matter how careful you may be, your toothbrush may still be forgotten. Dental supplies are often the last thing packed.

If you realize that you’ve left your toothbrush or dental supplies, a temporary alternative is to vigorously rinse the mouth with water. It washes out the bacteria that cause cavities. You may put toothpaste on your index finger or your washcloth, and brush gently and thoroughly.

As soon as you can, visit the closest drug store. Your new toothbrush should have a seal. The seal shows that the standard is accepted as being beneficial to your teeth.

Tip Four: Practice Proper Toothbrush Care

Allow your toothbrush to dry by itself after use. However, if you are moving around with it on transport, keep it in a resealable plastic bag. It should not directly come in contact with your other items.

Tip Five: Use Sugarless ADA-accepted Chewing Gum

A sugarless gum helps ensure that you won’t get cavities while relieving the pressure in your ears during a flight. Medical research has revealed that chewing sugarless gum for half an hour following a meal prevents cavities.

This is primarily due to the increase in saliva flow which washes out the bacteria responsible for cavities. Ensure that the gun has a seal from the ADA.

Tip Six: Use Water That Is Bottled to Brush Your Teeth

If you are unsure of the quality of water, then buy water instead of assuming the stream or the water used by locals is safe. Apart from protecting your teeth, it will prevent you from getting ill too.

Tip Seven: Return to Your Teeth Care Routine After Travel

Return to your full teeth care routine upon getting home. Keep flossing and brushing, reduce your sweets intake, and visit a dentist for a routine check-up.


Hopefully, with the aforementioned tips, you can continue taking care of your teeth even while away from home. These seven tips are indispensable and trustworthy. They are based on dentists’ advice. Enjoy your trip and keep your teeth healthy.