Tips on garden care for travelers

garden care for travelers

Are you planning to go on a vacation or take a recreation trip? You should go ahead and make your trip. Vocations should be part of our lives and are healthy for the good working of the mind. Nevertheless, gardeners may face a challenge for their garden supply when planning for a vacation. You might start wondering how you are going to travel yet you must water your garden daily. How will you have mental peace to enjoy your vacation knowing you might go back home only to find all your plants are dead drying. This article offers several tips that will help you are a traveling gardener.

Will you be away for several days?

If you will be away for several days, it is advisable to leave the care of your garden to someone else. Make sure you can trust the person with your garden. It can be your friend, a relative, or a neighbor. The most ideal person is the one who understands gardening. You can trade your favors with another gardener and rip the benefits. Give special instructions to the persons. These instructions include aspects such as watering schedule and plant care such as regular deadheading. In addition let the person know whether it is okay to harvest, vegetables, fruits, and bouquets. If you travel a lot, it advisable to consider xeriscape plantings in your garden. These plants require low maintenance and less watering.

You don’t want to leave your garden to someone else!

You probably don’t want to leave your garden under the care of someone else. You should not worry since there some tips to help with your gardening when you travel. In this case, you must prepare beforehand to ensure your plants survive for the time you will be away. Ensure you have enough garden supplies & care requirements before you leave. The tips below will help keep your plants alive during your trip.

Make sure your garden is tidy before you leave

Leave your garden in the best condition possible before leaving. Remove weeds, deadhead affected plants, and spray insecticides if required. Healthy plants will be able to tolerate the time will be away.

Water your garden

Ensure your garden is properly irrigated before you leave. You can use drip irrigation if you will be gone for many days. In this case, you will be sure that your plants will have water even if you leave them under the care of someone else.

Put mulch around the plants

Mulch will be useful in many ways. It will prevent evaporation of water, keep the roots cool, and prevent the growth of weeds. Nevertheless, ensure your mulch does not go beyond three inches especially if your garden has snails and slugs.

Avoid mowing before traveling

It is advisable to soak your lawn deep enough prior to your travel. Healthy lawns do not need frequent watering. Do not cut the lawns since taller grass tolerates harsh conditions than the short ones.

Move container plants under a shade

Container plants will have the advantage that they can be moved to shade to avoid direct effects of the sun. These plants can easily dry since they require daily watering, especially in summer. Moving them to shade will give them a better chance to survive.